Wellness & Weightloss

Wellness Services

Weight Management Therapy Program

  • Enhanced fat burning and weightloss
  • Helps reduce feelings of hunger and curbs appetite
  • Mental clarity
  • Faster recovery from workouts
  • Stimulates the body’s growth hormone levels
  • Helps restore the body’s natural sleep cycle
  • Assists in reduction of food cravings
  • May increase metabolism and improve energy levels
  • Aids in immune support

A great program for individuals looking for extra help to get rid of extra body fat or weight.


  • FDA approved
  • Appetite suppressant
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Fat burning
  • 1/3 patients lost 20% body weight
  • 1/2 patients lost 15% bod weight

A great program for individuals with a BMI of 30 and above; a minimum of 27 BMI in specific situations.

IV & Injection Therapy

  • Infusions $90+

    - Replenish: Packed full of all your body's essential vitamin needs.
    - Energy & Relief: Anti inflammatory formula perfect to alleviate your aches and pains.
    - Glow & Grow: Perfect for your hair, skin, and nails
    - Weekend Warrior: Athletic performance and recovery formula
    - Alpha Lipoic Acid: Crucial for digestion, absorption, and energy creation. Assists to lower glucose, weight loss, reduce inflammation, and skin aging.
    - Immune Support: Vitamin C

  • Shot Bar $20+

    - Energizer: B12
    - Fat Burner: Lipotropic injection for fat metabolism (Lipo-B or Lipo-C)
    - Sunny Vacation: Vitamin D
    - Stress Away: Gluthathione - an antioxidant produced in cells made largely of 3 amino acids which provide many health benefits including reduction of oxidative stress.
    - Pre-Work Out: Taurine - An amino acid that plays several important roles in your muscles, nervous system, boosting physical performance by helping the flow of glucose to the muscle.

Wellness Coaching

Weight Loss

Two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, increasing the risk of serious health conditions. The most effective way to make long term changes is through living a healthy lifestyle . We are here to help you do just that to reach your goals long term.


Not everyone is comfortable going to the gym or walking into their first fitness class, and that is okay! Our wellness coach will meet you where you are comfortable starting and create a plan designed so that you will succeed. The only way to maintain weightloss is through consistent physical activity.


Healthy food does not have to be boring and bland to lose weight. Creating a healthy relationship with food is extremely important in creating long term results. During your journey with our wellness coach, we will help you create changes that will last a lifetime.

Stress Management

Work, family, nutrition, fitness, sleep, and social life.. all in one day!?
Do not worry we have your back. Think of us as your best friend that is able to create a plan of action to help you become the best version of YOU! Old habits can be hard to replace with new healthier ones but with the healthy lifestyle program, we offer through coaching it can be accomplished.


Think of us as the friend that takes you to the gym, helps you eat the right things, and supports you through the valleys of your journey. We want to help you succeed in creating a healthy lifestyle.


Pairing your wellness service with a wellness coach for life long changes

Book your appointment

Give us a call at (985) 201-7324 or come see us!